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Blog | System Leadership
Education Down Under – An Australian Perspective

Education Down Under – An Australian Perspective Representing the National Academy for Educational…

News | System Leadership
Centre for International Research into Leadership in Education

Centre for International Research into Leadership in Education Tegwen Ellis, Chief Executive of the …

Blog | System Leadership
Inclusion – The Swedish Perspective

Inclusion – The Swedish Perspective Introduction I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity …

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National Leadership Survey

National Leadership Survey The National Academy for Educational Leadership is asking leaders from ac…

News | System Leadership
World Education Summit 2023

World Education Summit 2023 20-23 March 2023 The 2023 Word Education Summit launches in March, takin…

Blog | System Leadership
Why is there no ethnic diversity across Wales’ headteachers?

Why is there no ethnic diversity across Wales’ headteachers? Whilst scrolling a BBC news feed an a…

Blog | System Leadership
From LA to LA; a blog

From LA to LA; a blog From my tiny local authority of Torfaen to the colossus of Los Angeles represe…

Blog | System Leadership
Roma Pupils Racially Discriminated Against By Schools

Roma Pupils Racially Discriminated Against By Schools All children have a right to education, right?…

Blog | System Leadership
Gilwern Primary School’s worldwide curriculum journey reaches halfway point

Gilwern Primary School’s worldwide curriculum journey reaches halfway point The National Academy …

Blog | System Leadership
Educational Leadership in Ottawa

Educational Leadership in Ottawa “Of all the countries I visited for this book, Canada would be my…

Blog | System Leadership
The complexity of developing Welsh culture and national identity

The complexity of developing Welsh culture and national identity – A Headteacher’s perspecti…

Blog | System Leadership
Visit to the Basque Country: A reflection

Visit to the Basque Country: A reflection In January 2020, a group of three second Cohort Associates…

Blog | System Leadership
Learning with Ireland and Scotland

Learning with Ireland and Scotland It was a cold and crisp November morning when our flight touched …

Blog | System Leadership
Language, Landscape, Culture and Heritage! The Basque Experience

Language, Landscape, Culture and Heritage! The Basque Experience   There are many similarities …

Blog | System Leadership
Inspiring New Leaders

Inspiring New Leaders Like many of my fellow Associates there wasn’t just one reason why I applied…

Blog | System Leadership
Reflect, recharge… and remember you’re a new Head!

Reflect, recharge… and remember you’re a new Head! Breathe! As I take a well-earned sip …

Blog | System Leadership
Why the Basque country?

Why the Basque country? I was asked variations of this question when I explained that I would be awa…