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Workforce Development

A new research project has been procured and will commence in the autumn term 2022 to examine the recruitment and retention of senior school leaders in Wales. The project will broaden and deepen the existing evidence base on recruitment and retention and set out strategic proposals to inform the National Academy for Educational Leadership’s policy work in this area. Collaboration with six local authorities and a university partnership with further support this work.

Insight Series Paper: Recruitment and Retention of Senior School Leaders in Wales

Ekaterina Aleynikova, Jasmin Rostron, Sophie Kitson (National institute of Economic and Social Research) & James Zuccollo, Eva Jiménez (Education Policy Institute)

The role of a school leader is fundamental to shaping the educational environment and influencing the overall success of a school. Effective school leaders inspire and motivate both teachers and students, creating a vision for the school and fostering a positive and inclusive school culture. However, maintaining the supply of school leaders in Wales is challenging.

In this context, this research aims to broaden and deepen the existing evidence base on the challenges in recruitment and retention of senior school leaders in Wales, and how those challenges could be addressed.

This research was commissioned by the National Academy for Educational Leadership and undertaken by the National institute of Economic and Social Research and the Education Policy Institute.

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