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Ysgol Calon y Cymoedd – Welsh Language Self-evaluation Resource

Adnodd: Self-Evaluating the Welsh Language

In 2020, Associates from the National Academy for Educational Leadership published a commission report which explored the question:

‘What is the role of educational leadership in realising the vision of a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language?’.

This commission resulted in a series of recommendations to be considered at a national level. One was to ensure a clear, national framework for the development of the Welsh language within the education sector with consideration for the Welsh language within the Curriculum for Wales. Following this, the Self-Evaluation Resource was established in collaboration with Welsh Government, Regional Consortia, Estyn, Local Authorities and the National Academy for Educational Leadership. The resource is intended to encourage headteachers to consider the development of the Welsh language in their school and map out their provision for moving the Welsh language forward strategically and practically. It can be used by schools alongside the National Resource: Evaluation and Improvement (NR:EI). The resource is divided into three areas that align with the areas of the national resource; leadership, learning, teaching and curriculum and well-being, equity and inclusion.

Seven schools were involved in piloting this Self-Evaluation Resource and each school has chosen an area of focus in terms of the Welsh language and actively answered the questions as part of their school improvement process.

The role of the National Academy for Educational Leadership was to support the headteachers in the process of interpreting the questions whilst offering practical support and discussing what possible resources could be helpful in piloting the resource. A series of further questions were shared which ask the pilot schools to consider the value of the resource and to identify any strengths and drawbacks.

Following the pilot each school will have drafted a strategy aimed at promoting and developing the Welsh language. The National Academy for Educational Leadership and the schools have produced case studies to share good practice with other schools across Wales.

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon y Cymoedd

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon y Cymoedd is a primary school located in Betws, Bridgend. Bilingual education is provided to the Garw and Ogmore Valleys and the surrounding area.

Everyone Counts, Everyone Achieves is the school’s priority. Creating a happy and caring environment where every child can feel safe is very important. The aim is to provide a warm, welcoming and happy environment where pupils are encouraged to achieve their full potential and develop to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners.

Overview of Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon y Cymoedd

Our context for understanding Welshness

Our staff

Below is a summary of the current staffing situation:

  • 9 full-time teachers with the majority being experienced
  • 2 welfare and behaviour officers
  • 2 Senior assistants
  • 3 x 1:1 through an agency
  • 2 Assistants in the unit

Assistants are given one-year contracts due to funding.

Our local area

The area is disadvantaged and 67.2% of children arrive at school by bus

Our classes

  • 1 Nursery class, 7 pure classes – one for each school year.
  • Autism Base open since 2020

Our Learners

There are 187 learners on the register and the age range is between 3 – 11 years. 8% of the School’s learners have Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and an Individual Development Plan. 21.8% receive Free School Meals

0% of our learners are of ethnic origin with the majority of white, British origin. When starting to pilot the Resource consideration was given to the use of language in the home where 1% are monolingual Welsh families and 9.85% of families have one Welsh-speaking parent

Starting the Pilot

The first step

Google Forms have been modified and distributed to parents, learners and governors. Google Forms were also sent out to the staff asking them to voice RAG/CAG opinion on the Self-evaluation Resource questions.

Stage 2 – Whole-school Evaluation

The next step

Development and Renewal to date. Consideration was given to the 3 elements below

  • Vision
  • Developing Welshness – Secret Dragons
  • School Systems

We aim to grow a culture and ethos that will create a happy and inclusive school community that inspires and fosters enjoyment in our learners and develop them into natural Welsh speakers. The development of the Welsh language gives a strong sense of belonging and mutual support while keeping our identity unique and binding our community with unity. We promote an atmosphere that nurtures and promotes our Welsh culture and traditions with pride in a local, national and international context. We provide an environment that promotes respect and meaningful collaboration where all learners can engage in a wide range of literacy activities, inside and outside the classroom and as a result of every effort, experience satisfaction and success in what they do. We plan opportunities for our learners to show positive attitudes to learning languages ​​and being multilingual, making connections between different languages ​​and respecting others in doing so. We offer experiences that will respond to the demands and changes of our community, and this will allow everyone to reach their full potential and to be ambitious, capable learners for life.

Welshness, Community, Love

Secret Dragons

In order to try to encourage our learners to use the Welsh language at school, the concept of the ‘Secret Dragons’ is presented to children from reception to year 6.

An individual is chosen at random at the start of the day to be a dragon but no one else knows who they are. They are listened to carefully during the day to see if they:

  •  make an effort to speak Welsh with the teacher
  • interact with others in Welsh
  • help their peers to speak Welsh

A word from the Headteacher:

“It was a privilege to be involved in trialling the Welsh-language self-evaluation resource at Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon y Cymoedd. The focus of the project was to assess and improve our practices using the Welsh language self-evaluation resource. An initiative that was in line with our school’s priority“ – “Everyone Counts, Everyone Achieves” – with the emphasis on creating a happy and caring environment where every child feels safe and is encouraged to achieve their full potential. This project has been a significant step forward in our journey to improve our educational environment and community spirit.

“The project has ensured that we work together as a cohesive team to create a shared vision for our school. It has fostered a sense of unity and collaboration among staff, parents and students and the wider community allowing us to strive together towards our common goals.

“The Benefits of the Project. The self-evaluation tool encouraged us to ask challenging questions and engage in reflective practices. This process has been instrumental in helping us understand our strengths and areas for improvement.

“By working together, we have deepened our understanding of how to develop our learners’ Welsh language skills effectively. This concerted effort benefits our students, ensuring they receive a rich and culturally relevant education.

“We are committed to continuing to use this self-evaluation tool to drive our vision forward. It has proven to be an invaluable resource in our efforts to improve and innovate. It has been a privilege to be part of this project, and we are excited about the continued positive impact it will have on our school community.”

All case studies